11 Reasons To Absolutely Love Rainy Days

Rain doesn’t exactly have the best reputation, but here’s why you should give it a chance.

#1. If you’re at the office, you will get more work done.

A study conducted at Harvard Business School found that employees produce more work, and are able to complete tasks in shorter periods of time on rainy days. Apparently, sunny weather tends to distract workers, because it makes them daydream a lot more. Crazy, right?

#2. If you’re not at work, then it’s the perfect excuse to stay in bed all day.

No one will judge you for doing so.

#3. You get to wear comfy sweaters.

Even sweatpants or dare we say, onesies?

#4. You don’t have to water your garden or have your car washed.

That’s two fewer chores. Thanks, rain!

#5. No one expects you to have perfect hair on a rainy day.

It just takes soooo much pressure off.

#6. Ordering in seems a lot more satisfying on a rainy day…

Apologies to the delivery guy, though.

#7. …And so do home cooked meals.

Rainy days are the perfect excuse to bust out your inner Bourdain. If you want something easy though, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

#8. Petrichor isn’t a smell you simply get everyday.

Better known as that post-rain aroma. Mmmm.

#9. You get to cuddle all day with someone you love.

Like your dog, or your significant other.

#10. You get really inspired when it rains.

Maybe it’s the white noise and solitude that comes with it, but there’s just something about rainy weather that brings out your creativity.

#11. According to movies, rain is the best weather for kisses and confessions of love.

And who doesn’t want that?