14 Simple Housecleaning Cheats That Will Immediately Change Your Life

There are times when I really wish I had been paying attention to Grandma when she told me she saved hundreds of dollars a year on simple, easy to use cleaning products I could make right at home. Well here’s to you Grammy. I’m listening now.

#1. Place white vinegar in a glass at the top of the washer and baking soda in the bottom rack and door.


#2. Heck. Just mix white vinegar and baking soda together as an all-purpose cleaner.


#3. Cut lemon and salt make a fine, natural way to clean bamboo cutting boards.


#4. Does your garbage disposal stink? Chuck in a lemon wedge, add vinegar, flip on switch. Presto.


#5. Hard water stains getting you down? Rub a lemon wedge on the affected surface.


#6. Is your oven gunky? Wait for your oven to completely cool and leave a bowl of ammonia inside overnight and close the door to loosen the gunk.


#7. If your burners are caked in burnt stuff, place them in a closed bag with ammonia overnight.


#8. Have some old tinfoil laying around? It doubles as a tough sponge for glass surfaces.


#9. Did you know bread is an excellent “rag” for cleaning up glass?


#10. Can’t reach that tiny corner? Place a squirt nozzle on your vacuum hose and go to town.


#11. This one is great. Rub grease stains with chalk, place in the washer, and voila.


#12. Glitter can make one big mess. Roll it all up with some fresh playdough.


#13. Your carpet may be fuzzy, but rub a squeegee over the surface and watch the hair pull off the surface.


#14. Nobody likes gunk in their makeup brushes. Use baby shampoo to get them back in tip-top shape.
