Do you skip the cocktail and go for a beer? Is wearing heels more of a physical challenge than a fashion statement? Are sweatpants your best friend? If you’ve answered yes to these questions, the chances are that being a polished and refined member of the gentler sex is just not your thing.
#1. You feel challenged every time you wear a dress.
That goes for skirts, too. Doesn’t even matter what the length is.
#2. Your worst enemy: high heels.
It takes too much effort to walk in them. Sneakers all the way.
#3. Your flirting methods are less than subtle.
Nudge nudge, wink wink.
#4. You don’t care much about how you look.
Your style in a nutshell: low-maintenance
#5. You struggle to ‘sit like a lady.’
Because you prefer to sit however you want to.
#6. You’re not sure how to act in formal situations.
You use hands instead of forks, and feel that a fist bump should count as an appropriate greeting.
#7. You can’t cook to save your life.
An iron produces heat, heat cooks bacon. So, an iron can cook bacon… right?
#8. You prefer colorful language.
You drop a few f-bombs in between sentences just because you can.
#9. You eat whatever you want…
Because you know that life is too short to say no to food.
#10. …And drink whatever you want.
P.S. WTH is a ‘girly drink’?
#11. You have some gross habits.
Two words: burping contest.
#12. You speak freely.
Very freely.
#13. Your terms of endearment aren’t exactly endearing.
That’s just how you show love.
#14. You’re not afraid to call people out.
Especially when you know that they are chatting complete bull.
#15. And you’re not afraid to talk back.
Particularly when you know something offensive has been said
But most importantly, you know that just because you don’t act ladylike, it doesn’t mean you’re not a woman. So ladies, go ahead and have a steak and a couple of pints, you deserve it.