Some kids are born with manners. Some kids throw that crap right out the window. Here are 18 smartasses who simply could not care less about your feelings.
#1. This kid won’t handle your paranormal problems.
#2. Some kids just say it like it is.
#3. Annisa has hit hard times…
and she doesn’t mess around.
#4. He’s got his priorities straight.
#5. Julian just can’t right now.
#6. This kid tells Snow White to STFU already.
#7. Hey. At least he put some hearts in there.
#8. Peggy makes doing nothing badass.
#9. This kid takes being literal to a new level.
#10. Katie has had it up to here Mom. To HERE.
#11. Enough said.
#12. He may not be escaping school, but he’s figured something out.
#13. Ms. Ledford better bring pie next time.
#14. Balls.
#15. Who ever smelt it, dealt it.
#16. Clever.
#17. But you’ll shoot your eye out kid!
#18. Oh he isn’t sorry.
Kids certainly lack a filter in what they say and do. They will always tell you like it is, and for that, we are grateful.