20 Important Things You Should Never Forget To Thank Your Best Friend For

You can’t count the things your best friend has done for you over the years. Without them, you’d be totally lost. They’re your rock, your stabilising force, and the voice of reason. Here are 20 important things you should never forget to thank them for.

#1. For not letting your weirdness be a deal breaker.

To most people, your quirks are hints of insanity. But your bessie loves your inner freak.

#2. For advising you against another shot of tequila.

“You’re right, the hangover is not worth it.”

#3. But for throwing one back with you anyway.

“Yeaaaah! Hangover buddies!”

#4. For not judging your drunk dance.

Oh dear.

#5. For cockblocking that guy when you were too drunk to notice anything.

Hmmm. Maybe this list needs to be re-titled ‘things you forgot to thank your best friend for when you were drunk.’

#6. For being completely honest with you.

Especially when you don’t want to hear it, but need to.

#7. For putting up with your sh*t.

Despite not having any genetic tether to you, they’ve stayed. Thank god.

#8. For taking care of you that time you experimented with recreational drugs.

Seriously, you’d be dead without them.

#9. For making sure you always get home safe.

Hearing them say “text me when you get home safe” is honestly one of the sweetest things ever.

#10. For letting you know if your makeup and/or hair looks bad.

They’re better than a mirror.

#11. For sticking by you, even when their own reputation is at stake.

They’re always by your side.

#12. For syncing their cheat days with yours.

You’re not actually sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing…

#13. For knowing your angles.

With them, bad pictures are non-existent.

#14. For stopping you from making drunk texts and calls.

And from making other bad decisions. You don’t know what you would’ve done without them.

#15. For having the weirdest dance parties with you.

Not to mention the out-of-tune sing alongs at 2am.

#16. For knowing when something is wrong.

And for knowing exactly when you don’t feel like talking about it, and when you do.

#17. For having the same kind of humor as you.

Thank you for the laughter abs.

#18. For being the keeper of your secrets.

They’ll take them to the grave.

#19. For pulling you out of your comfort zone.

They always believe in you.

#20. For being genuinely happy for you.

That’s why they’re always the first person you want to talk to when you hear good news.

Best friends for life!