21 Things You Should Never Say To Plus-Size Women

Every person’s body is unique. We are all built differently, but for some reason people think there’s nothing wrong with judging plus-size women. Well, there is. We’ve heard it all, and are fed up with it. Who wouldn’t get tired of all the backhanded compliments and ignorant assumptions?

#1. “You’re not that fat.”

Oh god, save it. I know I’m big, I’m not in denial.

#2. “You should try exercising, you’ll lose weight that way.”

Really? Oh wow, I had no idea! *insert sarcasm sign here*

#3. “You would be so pretty if you lost weight.”

Say that again and I will cut you. I am pretty either way.

#4. “Do you want some? I know you’re hungry.”

Don’t. Be. Rude.

#5. “How did you let yourself get so big?!”

Some people eat a cheeseburger and gain nothing. Some people eat a cheeseburger and gain the entire mass of a humpback whale. Metabolism. Weird.

#6. “Maybe you shouldn’t eat that.”

When did the local task force get a budget for food police?

#7. “Some guys like big girls, though.”

Please stop implying that the only reason any guy would like me is because of a fat fetish. Please.

#8. “It’s really not healthy for you to be like this.”

Says the girl whose idea of a full meal is a saltine cracker.

#9. While eyeing you and your cheeseburger: “Maybe you should start eating healthier.”

They also look at your garden salad and sliced apples and condescendingly say, “wow, someone’s trying to eat healthy!” Sigh. Just let me eat in peace.

#10. “I’m on this new diet, you should really try it!”

Oh, really? Well, good for you. Thanks for letting me know that I need to go on a diet.

#11. “So I take it you’re single?”

…Based on what?

#12. “That just means there’s more of you to love!”

Go. Away.

#13. “You should wear more black, it’s very slimming.”

You should put your top lip and bottom lip together, it’s very relaxing.

#14. “Heyyyy, big girl!”

Heyyyy, nooooooooo!

#15. Person who isn’t even fat: “OMG, I am SO fat!”

Um… So what does that make me? A whale?

#16. At a clothing store: “We might not have this in your size.”

Go choke on your commission.

#17. “So when are you due?”

Unless it’s been confirmed that this person is actually pregnant, never, under any circumstances, EVER say this to a woman, plus-size or not.

#18. “Do you think I’m fat?”

Are you seriously asking me?

#19. “But you have boobs, though!”

Yes. Yes, I do. Thanks for stating the obvious.

#20. “Aren’t you worried about how you look?”

Don’t worry about me, worry about your attitude.

#21. “You’re not big, you’re beautiful!”

Public service announcement: you can be both.