Soldiers are often revered and praised for their service, but sometimes it’s easy to forget that behind the uniform, they’re just like the rest of us.
And that’s precisely why The Veteran Art Project by photographer Devin Mitchell is so poignant. It really shows that beneath the imposing uniforms, these men and women are as ‘normal’ as you and I.
“The military community has expressed their interest in using my art to communicate how many of them feel to be living double lives while serving in the military,” Mitchell told Mic. “People who have never served have shown interest in knowing more about the diversified aspects of what causes veterans to feel that way.”
“One photo that really speaks to me the most is the picture depicting Joshua Zitting and his husband Patrick Lehmann,” said Mitchell, who is openly gay himself. “It reminds me of how unfair it is that this man can serve while enjoying all of this constitutional rights as an American, while other men and women similar to him cannot in other parts of the country, due in part to recent decisions such as the one made by circuit judge Jeffrey Sutton. Judges like him are blind in my eyes. Maybe pictures like this will help him see better.”
Follow the The Veteran Art Project on their website and Facebook to stay up to date with Mitchell’s new photos.