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1. Have fun accidentally cutting yourself

2. By popular demand, everyone’s favorite flavor is here.

3. Whoever did this just figured out the cure for constipation.

4. “Great, now I’ve got more mouths to feed.”

5. Poor kid.

6. Everyone would watch it once or twice and then proceed to never watch it again.

7. Have fun being disowned by your uncle, even if you do tell him it’s a photoshop prank.

8. Congratulations advertising, you’ve figured out how to be even more annoying.

9. I’d lick my hands clean out of pure spite.

10. How to fail at parenting and give your child PTSD.

11. Nice job, asshole.

12. I hope George R R Martin has this teacher killed off in his next book.

13. “I want to walk on this!” said no one ever.

14. How to ruin three delicious snacks with one bowl.

15. Was it worth all the effort? Maybe. Probably not.

16. It’s a picture of a cat behind a microwave door. And yes, they got fired for this.

17. Would you go for it?

18. How to give your kid the financial equivalent of blue balls.

19. And for the most evil prank of all…