24 Times People Did Stupid Things And Lived To See Another Day

‘Stupid’ is a strong word, but we’re struggling to think of a more appropriate description for the people below:

#1. Boom!

#2. Yes, because that’s totally how you should go down the escalator.

#3. You can’t recreate Jean-Claude van Damme’s epic split without disastrous results.

#4. This is what ‘human error’ looks like.

#5. Ahhh, sorority girls.

#6. It looks almost majestic, doesn’t it?

#7. Literally.

#8. This probably seemed like a good idea at the time.

#9. Gangsters be like…

#10. Ouch.

#11. The look on her face, though.

#12. I’d hate to see this guy out on the rapids.

#13. We’ve all been there.

#14. This is almost comical.

#15. What did they think would happen?

#16. Life is not a cartoon.

#17. Rookie mistake.

#18. We only hope the hamster wasn’t hurt.

#19. Please don’t do this at home, kids.

#20. Close, but no cigar.

#21. If he threw out the rubbish once in a while, he would’ve known.

#22. “This ball will protect me.”

#23. The look on his face: priceless.

#24. Awwwww. This is just cute.

Truly, there are no words.