The Pallas’s cat — aka Manul cat — is a threatened species of wild cat found on the steppes of Central Asia. Because they live in highly elevated areas up to 16,000 feet, they have very little exposure to viral infections, so their immune systems are weak. It goes without saying that they’re not pet material. But we can’t help but want one for ourselves, because just in case you didn’t know, Manul cats have the most expressive faces EVER. See for yourself.
#1. “Mmmm hmmm.”

#2. “Are they talking about us?”

#3. “Okay, that’s just nasty.”

#4. “Eh?”

#5. “You want a piece of me?”

#6. This is what I look like when I see food.

#7. “Pizzaaaaa…”

#8. Maybe lay off the caffeine a bit, buddy?

#9. “And you expect me to believe that?”

#10. “I’m judging you.”

#11. “More pizza!”

#12. *jawdrop*

#13. “Come at me, bro.”

#14. “I’m getting angry. You won’t like me when I’m angry.”

#15. “I will reserve judgment for later.”

#16. “Pretty please?”

#17. “No way!”

#18. “Bitch, please.”

#19. *Yawn*

#20. “I hope you know that I’m secretly judging you.”

#21. “Yippee-ki-yay, motherf*****.”

#22. “Ooohhh…”

#23. “Who you calling fat?”

#24. “Diet? What diet?”

#25. “I’m the boss.”