25 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh

#1. “It’s Stephen, with a ph”

The alternative spelling:

#2. Angel? More like Ange-troll

The heavenly bullying:

#3. That’s wood alright


4. “Wait, what?”

The gotcha question:

#5. When you suddenly realise you’re in the wrong class

The college class:

6. Adding insult to injury, literally

The soccer injury:

7. This bizarre moment involving an unknown Facebook friend

The friendly stranger:

8. “Are you our cat? I don’t remember you looking like this!”

The car pool:

9. Sometimes surprise balloons are just too much to handle

The surprise balloons:

10. This perfectly timed photo showing the calm before the storm

The perfect selfie:

11. There’s only one place for this arsonist: the catsylum

The confession:

12. Yard sale?

The Yale Sale:

13. Ahh yes, an extra ‘e’ for every ‘0’

The counting game:

14. The swag is real… real lame

The undeniable swag:

16. Someone call his mummy to help him out

The grown ass man:

17. “Help, set me free from this pringled hell!”

The Pringles prison:

18. Nothing like publicly humiliating the local police department

The battle of wits:

19. The face of a dog who has nothing to lose

The furry rebel:

20. A mustard explosion, for when your day can’t possibly get any worse

The mustard explosion:

21. Legend has it he’s still waiting until this day

The long line:

22. Ah yes, from the makers of the Aggle iPad

The off-brand charger:

23. “I am not amused”

The unamused cat:

24. The most interesting neighborly letter ever written

The friendly neighbor:

25. Dr Hedgehog doesn’t seem to please about this

The angry doctor: