We don’t normally think of food having personality. But these meals appear as if they are desperate to avoid the one-way trip to our stomachs!
#1. B-b-but but I thought we were friends…
#2. Edgar knew his day had come.
#3. The horror. THE HORROR.
#4. I’ll never let go!
#5. Daikon? More like BYE! GONE.
#6. I look way better just sitting here in your pan lady.
#7. But I had so much to live for!
#8. Oh my goodness! HOW DARE YOU!
#9. Please don’t eat us. We’re so little!
#10. You didn’t invite me over just for coffee, did you?
#11. Is that…Is that a fork?
#12. Look here sonny, you just keep on walking.
#13. Put me back in the wrapper!
#14. Frank! Frank what’s happening over there?
#15. Please don’t stab me, please don’t stab me!
#16. Out of all the pickles in the bucket, Steve knew what was coming next.
#17. You are going to do WHAT?
#18. Just get it over with already!
#19. I’m guessing you aren’t open to negotiate.
#20. Oh noooooooo!
#21. I waited all my life for this?
#22. Put me back down there with my people please.
#23. Weren’t you trying to be vegan?
#24. You look kind of drunk. Maybe you should take it easy.
#25. Would you do this to YOUR grandmother?
#26. What did I ever do to hurt you?
#27. I am screaming and nobody cares!!!
#28. I’m dead proud
It’s really a good thing our food doesn’t talk back. We’d probably starve!