Meet Willow Lee, a 3-year-old from California who has already been dubbed the undisputed queen of Halloween.
It’s still two weeks until the holiday, but Willow’s elaborate costumes — including prison chef Red from Netflix’s Orange is the New Black, an elderly woman with a walker, and a make-up counter salesgirl at a department store — are a huge hit.

The toddler’s mother, Gina Lee, is a photographer who has been dressing up her daughter every October since she was aged just one.
Here she is from one of those early shoots as a “hot dog on a stick” baby.

Gina calls October “Dress Up Willow Month”, and posts photos of Willow’s amazing costumes on her Instagram account. Be sure to follow her!

“Willow loves it. It’s like a play date or a field trip for us,” the mother-of-three told the Huffington Post.
“It just started as a fun photo project, and as long as Willow is still having fun, we will keep doing it,” the photographer added.

Dad Christopher plays his part in Lt. Dan and Forrest Gump.

Willow’s best friend, Cooper, also likes getting in on the fun. Here they are as Gilligan and the Skipper from Gilligan’s Island…

… and as a Pink Lady and a T-Bird from Grease…

They also do a particularly good Princess Kate and Prince William.

Last year, Willow became the Morton Salt Girl.

And a particularly impressive Frida Kahlo.

She also went to work for In-N-Out.

But that didn’t work out so she tried her hand at being a clerk at See’s Candies.

Here she is in our favorite photo, Elliott from E.T.!

Ahoy Cracker Jacks box sailor!

The most adorable Inspector Gadget around.

We’d definitely buy products off this Clinique saleswoman, we mean, salestoddler.


Burt and his Bee!

Willow showing Pamela Anderson how it’s done.

Here’s Cooper again! Anything for a trip to Vegas as Siegfried & Roy.

Party on, guys!