35 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

Contents show

1. This picture of a person leaving the other customers a little extra gift.

This picture of a person leaving the other customers a little extra gift.

2. And this one of an employee going out of his way to help.

And this one of an employee going out of his way to help.

3. When this person gave his bike away to a little kid.

When this person gave his bike away to a little kid.

Best. Reaction. Ever.

Best. Reaction. Ever.

4. And this person put this outside their house on a particularly hot day.

And this person put this outside their house on a particularly hot day.

5. When these people put this up in front of their launderette.

When these people put this up in front of their launderette.

6. And this little kid invented a new form of currency.

And this little kid invented a new form of currency.
“FREE. With a smile.”

7. When this person got the nicest delivery ever.

When this person got the nicest delivery ever.

8. And this person decided that no cat should have to get wet.

And this person decided that no cat should have to get wet.

9. Dan and his coffee runs.

Dan and his coffee runs.

10. This note from a little kid.

This note from a little kid.

11. The motorcyclist that helped out a woman in need.

35 Pictures That Prove The World Isn’t Such A Bad Place

12. When this cop helped a driver who was out of gas.

When this cop helped a driver who was out of gas.

13. And when Caine had his dream come true.

And when Caine had his dream come true.

14. When this person realized that cute spider drawings solve all problems.

When this person realized that cute spider drawings solve all problems.

15. And when these kids realized the value of random acts of kindness at a young age.

And when these kids realized the value of random acts of kindness at a young age.

16. This candid shot of the cutest couple.

This candid shot of the cutest couple.

17. And this photo of this hero.

And this photo of this hero.

18. This new friend’s note.

This new friend's note.

19. This photo of a family’s dream come true.

This photo of a family's dream come true.

20. Rob and his entourage.

Rob and his entourage.

21. The greatest security guard in the world.

The greatest security guard in the world.

22. The guy who made a little kid’s gaming day.

The guy who made a little kid's gaming day.

23. And the partygoers that saved the day.

And the partygoers that saved the day.

24. The best mechanic around.

The best mechanic around.

25. This note from a developmentally disabled man who was just looking out for his favorite animal.

This note from a developmentally disabled man who was just looking out for his favorite animal.

26. The picture of the nicest Marine in existence.

The picture of the nicest Marine in existence.

27. This kid’s lunchtime routine.

This kid's lunchtime routine.

28. These pictures of Ahmad and Fatima, a young married couple who, despite Ahmad having no arms and Fatima having no legs, take care of each other.

These pictures of Ahmad and Fatima, a young married couple who, despite Ahmad having no arms and Fatima having no legs, take care of each other.

29. The picture of a car that was transformed into the best toy ever.

The picture of a car that was transformed into the best toy ever.

30. These soldiers.

These soldiers.

31. Nate’s dad’s note.

Nate's dad's note.


I overheard your phone conversation with Mike last night about your plans to come out to me. The only thing I need you to plan is to bring home OJ and bread after class. We are out, like you now. I’ve known you were gay since you were six. I’ve loved you since you were born.

P.S. Your mom and I think you and Mike make a cute couple.”

32. This photo of the nicest Rollerblader ever.

This photo of the nicest Rollerblader ever.

33. This optimistic little girl’s worldview.

This optimistic little girl's worldview.

34. This picture of two football players who didn’t want this student to eat alone.

This picture of two football players who didn't want this student to eat alone.

35. And these two little kids who just met for the first time.

And these two little kids who just met for the first time.

Don’t want this list to end? Then let’s not let it. Share this story, do something super nice today, and feel good about it.