Braid it, weave it, tie it. There’s a new ponytail style to try everyday of the month.
1. Double pony tail for a fuller hair

2. Vintage ’50s-inspired ponytail

3. ’60s-inspired ponytail

4. ’60s-inspired beehive

5. Bouffant ponytail

6. Mohawk ponytail

7. Curly ponytail

8. Ponytail with bandana

9. Waterfall ponytail

10. Side ponytail

11. Loop side ponytail

12. Crowned braid with side ponytail

13. Side braids with ponytail

14. High-volume, low ponytail

15. Easy chignon

16. Flipped ponytail

17. Inverted side ponytail

18. Ponytail bow

19. Crown-braided ponytail

20. Loosely braided ponytail

21. French-braided ponytail

22. Rope braid ponytail

23. New weave ponytail

24. Segmented ponytail

25. Loose segmented ponytail

26. Bubbly segmented ponytail

27. Gym ponytail

28. Sleek vixen wrap

29. Sexy messy ponytail

30. Messy twist

31. Morning ponytail

32. Scarf-braided ponytail

33. Sleek, casual ponytail

34. Topsy ponytail

35. High fishtail pony