I’m not sure what the people making these signs were thinking, but they are hilarious. We present to you the biggest quotation mark fails ever, in all their glory:
#1. What every customer service person is actually saying.

#2. What Budweiser should actually be referred to as.

#3. I think I’ll pass.

#4. Men, women, what’s the difference right?

#5. “Thanks”.

#6. This one is pretty much self fulfilling.

#7. Somehow this doesn’t instill much confidence.
#8. “Pregnant”… or just fat.

#9. It’s actually a bottomless pit of death.

#10. Oh look, they serve “beer” too.

#11. Insert not so appropriate joke here.

#12. Ahh yes, the “fire alarm” – I presume it doesn’t actually work then?

#13. Even management knows no one does it.

#14. “Please”… or get a ticket.

#15. “Ssshh! It’s for the horse. He doesn’t understand quotation marks.”

#16. This car service looks legit.

#17. I’d… rather not have this on my hands.

#18. Seems fishy.

#19. How to instantly emasculate your employees.

#20. In other words, fireworks that will blow up in your face.

#21. I wonder what kind of “meat service” they’re talking about. Heh.

#22. He’ll fill you with cement and charge you twice as much.

#23. This use of quotations marks might be intentional… not very discreet though is it?

#24. Looks highly reputable.

#25. Made with real “flour”.

#26. Just kidding, it’s actually cat.

#27. Zombie cop?

#28. Poor dad.

#29. It’s actually a hidden monthly subscription. We’ve all experienced those before.

#30. What’s that thing sticking out of ‘The Pleasure Throne’? You might not have to use much “imagination” after all.