For parents of little kids, mealtime usually means one thing: food flying everywhere and landing in other places except in your little tot’s mouth. But if it makes you feel any better, you’re not alone. Culinary woes go hand in hand with having a young ‘un, apparently.
#1. Picky kids make sneaky parents.
#2. The same food can’t be eaten unless it’s in the shape of a dog. At the beach. With sunglasses.
#3. They WILL let themselves be heard.
#4. Two different pots of chili bc picky kids might starve to death, etc.
#5. Omelettes that aren’t in the form of cartoon characters won’t be eaten.
#6. Greens? Healthy veggies? Your kids will laugh in the face of your efforts.
#7. Nothing beats canned gloop.
#8. Picky, or future vegetarian in the works?
#9. Kids have no sense of right and wrong, or gourmet and garbage.
#10. A Tale of Two Eggs is a familiar story in every parent’s kitchen.
#11. Create a masterpiece, get turned down by kid. Buy TV dinners, suddenly you’re parent of the year.
#12. Maybe “salty” just means, “it’s too healthy for my infant, and therefore, unrefined tastes”.
#13. Only parents know how to really celebrate the small victories.
#14. Sandwiches are food for the devil.
#15. Sometimes, you have to get really creative.
#16. No combination is too weird for a picky 4-year-old.
#17. Wait, nuggets are not a default kid’s choice?
#18. Kids defy explanation. They’re basically an alien species until they reach about 20 years old.