This Superhuman Mom Casually Pumped Breast Milk While Running A Marathon

Salt Lake City, Utah resident and runner Anna Young just finished a half marathon while five months postpartum.

In the middle of her run, she casually whipped out a handheld breast pumper and started pumping milk IN THE MIDDLE OF HER RUN.

All breastfeeding moms know that when you can’t pump milk for a long stretch of time, your breasts swell up and the pain is like no other. Keep in mind that this woman had already run 8 miles.

So what could Anna do? Skip the marathon? Stop in the middle of it for a pumping break? No.

She decided to pump and run and is now dubbed as a breastfeeding badass because of it.

She was photographed in the act and decided to share the photo, paired with a few words.

Her photo got nothing but positive comments, and why wouldn’t it?

Someone give this woman a medal, please.