Twitter Reacts Hilariously To The “Exploding” Samsung Galaxy Note 7

Samsung recently recalled millions of Galaxy Note 7 phones due to reports they were “exploding”, and naturally Twitter had plenty to say about it.

#1. Sleeping with your Note 7 under your pillow.

#2. Your phone is now considered a deadly weapon.

#3. Your Note-book literally turned to ashes.

#4. The feeling you get when your phone warns low battery.

#5. When you need reinforcements.

#6. It becomes the newly accepted synonym.

#7. When you want to secure the safety of your premises.

#8. Your phone comes with a free extinguisher.

#9. There is a newly accepted acronym for your Note 7.

#10. The search for the perfect casing is on.

#11. The newspapers made accidental puns.

#12. And the whole world is affected.