Rare Photos Show Famous People Goofing Around Just Like Kids

#1. Josef Stalin fooling around.

#2. The original Ronald McDonald — yep, he did exist.

#3. Robin Williams dressed as a cheerleader.

#4. Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger share a dance at the Cannes Film Festival.

#5. President Ford is showing off his skills to Pelé.

#6. Marilyn Monroe pulling funny faces.

#7. Yes, that’s the Dalai Lama.

#8. Ernest Hemingway just kicked a beer can up in the air.

#9. Paul Verhoeven playfully kisses Arnold Schwarzenegger on the set of Total Recall.

#10. The Beatles vs Muhammad Ali.

#11. This is the famous Italian musician and actor Adriano Celentano.

#12. King George VI of England whizzing down a slide (but keeping his hat on).

#13. Montserrat Caballé and Freddie Mercury.

#14. John Wayne and Marlene Dietrich.

#15. Drew Barrymore and Billy Idol having fun.

#16.Vincent Price and Alfred Hitchcock playing around.

#17. Marlon Brando and Haile Selassie.

#18. Marlon Brando during a break on the set of ‘A Streetcar Named Desire.

#19. Audrey Hepburn.

#20. Charlie Chaplin and friends.

#21. Gérard Depardieu and John Travolta.