Woman Who Gets ‘Fried Rice Syndrome’ Sues Buffet for $1M

A woman is seeking $1 million in damages after she got ‘Fried Rice Syndrome’ after eating at a Waxahachie buffet.

62-year-old Germaine Mobley said that she ate at Asian King Buffet with a friend in 2016.

While she was driving home, she started feeling sick.

“Everything tasted fine,” she said. “After we ate, I started not feeling well on the drive home.”

When she got home she started vomiting, and by the next morning she had trouble breathing. Within the same day, she was in an ICU where she stayed from eight days.

Her condition got so worse that she had to use a ventilator to help her breathe.

Germaine contracted bacillus cereus, which is commonly found on foods that have sat out at room temperature and can cause, cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea, according to the Food and Drug Administration.

Though normally the disease is not fatal, Germaine had pre-existing health conditions that made her case severe. After her recovery, she had to undergo rehab for three more months which amounted to more than $100,000.

“You just never dream that you would go out to eat and get that ill,” the woman said.

Asian King Buffet denied any responsibility saying that there is no evidence that Germaine got sick because of their food. The company’s lawyers declined to make any comment regarding the case.

Germaine also mentioned that she wants to bring awareness about bacillus cereus.