Man Cut In Half By Forklift Makes Heartbreaking Confession About His Life Since Accident

In a gut-wrenching turn of events, Loren Schauers has opened up about his life after surviving a horrific accident that left him literally cut in half. In 2019, while operating a forklift, he tragically veered off a bridge and plummeted over 50 feet, resulting in the loss of his lower body and part of an arm.

At just 19, Loren faced a life-altering decision and underwent a hemicorporectomy, a rare and drastic surgical procedure where everything below the waist is removed. This surgery, often a last resort, aims to save the patient’s life at the cost of significant physical alteration.

Now, Loren regularly shares updates on how he navigates the world with his new reality. Yet, his latest revelations have touched on the more somber aspects of his journey.

Thankfully, Loren hasn’t had to face this alone; his wife Sabia has been his pillar through these turbulent times. The couple is exploring options to expand their family, considering both adoption and donor possibilities, adding a hopeful chapter to their lives.

Reflecting on the harrowing choice he made during his accident, Loren shared with RTL 4, “The doctors gave me a choice. The question was, do you want to live or die? Do you want to live with the situation now or die with the life you had? And I decided that I wanted to live, that I wanted to continue living my life with this woman here.”

On their YouTube channel, Sabia expressed, “Going through this together has definitely strengthened a lot of the aspects of our relationship.”

However, not all responses from friends were supportive post-accident. Loren revealed during a YouTube live that he felt let down by some, “A couple of friends came out of the woodworks and have been really supportive, [others] totally reverted and have been reclusive. But it’s whatever to me, you know, I got Sabia, that’s all I need.”

More recently, Loren voiced his struggles with social connections post-accident, asking his Facebook followers, “Am I the only one who finds it difficult to make friends? I’m never really busy doing anything, just don’t know who to hit up and let into my life. Also, been betrayed by so many ‘friends’ in so many ways that I might have trust issues letting people into my life, not stealing from me, taking advantage of whatever they can, stuff like that. If anyone is looking for a friend! I’m always free and need to make some friends. Haven’t hung out with anyone that isn’t family in over a year it feels like lol. HMU!”

Loren’s ongoing resilience and transparency in sharing his life’s highs and lows continue to inspire many, as he navigates a profoundly altered but ever hopeful path forward.