Thousands of strangers raise $222,410 for 90-year-old man pushing shopping carts to ‘make ends meet’

A 90-year-old US Air Force veteran was forced to work just to ‘eat’ until the kindness of strangers changed his life with their generous donations to a fundraiser.

This past Monday (27 May), journalist Karen Swensen stumbled upon a heart-wrenching scene in Metairie, Louisiana: a 90-year-old man braving the ’90-degree heat’—with a staggering ‘heat index of 103’—pushing shopping carts at a local grocery store.

Swensen captured the moment on camera and later shared it on YouTube, revealing the man as Dillon McCormick, a veteran who was tirelessly collecting and pushing carts ‘back and forth, stacking cart after cart,’ sometimes maneuvering ‘more than twenty at a time’ in the scorching ‘triple digit heat.’

“Mr. Dillon McCormick pulled and pushed his way through the maze of cars. I watched a few others help him and thought the best way I might help would be to share his story,” Swensen said.

Upon talking to McCormick, Swensen learned that he was ‘working to eat’ and needed ‘$2,500 per month to live,’ but was only receiving ‘$1,100 from social security,’ prompting him to take on the physically demanding job.

“He had the kindest smile and greatest attitude. He is grateful for his job and his work ethic speaks for itself,” Swensen reflected.

She also shared poignant details about his family background and his own resilience: “Mr. McCormick’s mom lived to be 104. His grandmother was an Irish immigrant who came to America in the late 1800s as an indentured servant after slavery was abolished. He is not afraid of hard work but he’s tired. And hungry. And frustrated.

“He is a veteran of the United States Military. It’s Memorial Day. It’s hot. Mr. McCormick was born in 1933, making him a part of the Silent Generation. Please, America, let us be his voice. We can do this. No donation is too small. If we could raise even enough for him to retire for a year, it’s something. Thank you!”

Moved by his story, Swensen set up a GoFundMe for the veteran, and the response was overwhelming.

Within just a day, the GoFundMe ‘surpassed the initial goal of $35,000, which would cover McCormick’s needs for a little over a year,’ according to the page.

The target was then ambitiously raised to $200,000 to ensure the veteran could fully retire.

“His mother lived to be 104 years old, so he’ll need some padding!” Swensen quipped.

And by yesterday (29 May), the fundraiser was closed, having amassed a staggering amount thanks to the generosity of strangers.

With the GoFundMe totaling an incredible $222,545, Swensen announced: “Thank you to all who donated to Mr. McCormick’s fund. Together, we raised more than $220,000 in 24 hours, enough for him to retire!! Should he choose to remain working, it will be just that—his choice.

“No longer will the 90-year-old veteran have to push shopping carts in triple-digit heat to put food on his table. He won’t have to walk to work (should he choose to remain); he can Uber instead, or buy a car. He will live out his days in comfort and security.

“Tomorrow we will begin the process of transferring the funds. What a delightful day awaits for him! God bless all of you and God bless our veterans.”