In a heartbreaking incident in Italy, World Cup skier Jean Daniel Pession, 28, and his girlfriend Elisa Arlian, 26, tragically lost their lives after a fall from Mount Zerbion, an Alpine destination beloved by skiers located in the Aosta Valley. The couple, who both had a profound passion for skiing, plummeted approximately 2,300 feet during what was supposed to be an exhilarating hike.
Authorities launched a rescue operation after the pair did not return from their excursion as planned. Elisa Arlian, besides being a cherished partner to Pession, was a dedicated ski instructor and teacher.
Concerned family members reached out to the authorities, prompting a swift response involving firefighters and helicopters. The rescue team was able to locate the couple by homing in on a signal from one of their mobile phones. Tragically, upon descending to their location near the summit, rescuers found Pession and Arlian still bound together, buried in the snow.
Pession, a prominent figure in the world of speed skiing, was at the height of his career, having placed 15th in the World Cup standings. The Italian Winter Sports Federation released a somber statement confirming the devastating news: “A terrible tragedy strikes the world of winter sports and speed skiing in particular. Jean Daniel Pession, a 28-year-old member of the World Cup team, lost his life in a tragic mountain accident that occurred above Champoluc. His girlfriend also died together with Pession. Over the course of his career, the Aosta Valley native had achieved the best results in 2021, placing fifteenth in the final World Cup ranking, while at the World Championships he came 22nd in Vars in 2022. President Flavio Roda and the entire Federation express their condolences to the Pession family for this tragic misfortune.”
Medical examiners noted that the couple suffered significant injuries consistent with a long fall, however, the exact cause of the accident is still under investigation. The community anticipated holding their funerals in their respective home villages this morning.
RAI, a local broadcasting station, reported the couple’s day began with a familiar climb to a peak they knew well. “They were almost at the summit, just a step away, when suddenly they were betrayed by the mountain they loved so much. When they were found, they were still tied together, like in a final embrace.”
Albertoto Bertin from the Aosta Valley also shared his sorrow, stating: “Two young lives cut short by a mountain accident, that mountain which was their passion. In this moment of deep sadness, we express our closeness to the families, friends, and the entire sports community, embracing them with affection and compassion.”