Man saw his bank balance go from $46 to $26.7 million overnight by mistake

Imagine waking up as a millionaire, thinking your financial worries are over, only to realize it was all a huge mix-up. That’s precisely what happened to Antônio Pereira, a bus driver and father-of-four from Brazil. One morning, he discovered his bank account had inexplicably ballooned from $46 to a staggering $26.7 million.

While most of us daydream about striking it rich like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, Antônio’s windfall was the stuff of fairy tales, albeit very brief ones. Can you imagine peeking at your bank account and seeing that many zeroes?

Antônio found himself in this surreal situation last June. Despite being a father of four and grandfather of 14, nothing could have prepared him for the shock of sudden wealth. He knew he hadn’t won the lottery, which he didn’t even play, so something was clearly amiss.

Antônio Pereira was shocked by the sudden windfall.

“So many zeros appeared that I was scared … I’ve never seen money like that in my life. And I’ll never get it in my life, only if I win in the Mega Sena, and I don’t play,” Antônio told TV Anhanguera.

As it turns out, his overnight riches were the result of a mistaken transfer. While some might have considered fleeing with the newfound fortune, Antônio’s integrity never wavered.

The bus driver never thought of spending the money.

He recounted to his wife the incredible news, “We got rich.” But reality quickly set in, and they decided to return the money. Antônio went to his local bank, where he’s been a loyal customer for 25 years, and by nine o’clock that night, he had returned the millions.

Though the thought of suddenly having millions can be thrilling, it was fleeting for Antônio. In Brazil, using money that was transferred by mistake is considered a criminal offense, as lawyer Paula Dângelo explained to TV Anhanguera. “So, although you are happy with the situation, with the surprise, a miracle happened, using that money is a crime.”

Antônio could have faced serious civil and criminal consequences if he had chosen to use the money. His story serves as a wild reminder of the importance of integrity, even when faced with life-changing amounts of money.