22 Adorable Animals Who Absolutely Insist They Are Burritos

Contents show

1. It’s an owlet wrapped up in a towelette, and it wants a hug.

2. Purritos (kitten burritos) are pure bliss. These adorable new-born fellas are bundled up in socks.

3. “Hibernation has never been this cozy.”

4. Cat lifehack: how to be a big cat when you’re small and way too adorable.

5. Jack attempted to do the burrito wrap. Ended up looking like a croissant. True story.

6. This omelette wrapped burrito can’t hide his sunny disposition while being weighed in.

7. This burrito is packing a serious collar. Pop that collar son, and you’ll be the top cat in town.

8. Move over, hotdogs — burrito dogs are here to take over and turn us all into vegetarians.

9. This little burrito didn’t get the memo, and decided to unwrap itself.

10. Say hello to the self wrapping burrito. “Who’s a good burrito? You are! Yes you are!”


11. This purrito is so ready for some snuggles.

12. Burritos come in all shapes, sizes, and… crazies.

13. “My self-styled burrito wrap. I don’t even care what you say.”

14. This purrito doesn’t realise how cute she is.

15. Bunny burritos are made for cuddles anytime, anywhere.

16. Meet “I-didn’t-know-you-were-looking-for-your-fugly-pink-sweater” purrito.

17. The infamous Puss-in-Booritos just took your heart away.

18. This kitten burrito in wax paper is ready to call it a day.

19. The “Nope-I-haven’t-seen-your-black-sweater” burrito.

20. Even these bats are at it. Batrito?

21. How to roll a purrito with one hand. This cat is playing the role — or shall we say “roll” — very well indeed.

22. “Look deep into my eyes. I am a burrito.”

And if you ever doubt whether or not these pets are indeed burritos, you’ll have the ‘Itteh Bitteh Burrito Committeh’ to answer to. You have been warned.