Shocking footage captures burglars unwrapping a family’s Christmas gifts before killing them upon their return

Disturbing video footage captures two burglars rifling through Christmas presents left by a family.

On December 22, 1990, just days before Christmas, two men broke into a secluded cabin in Utah.

The cabin, owned by the Tiede family, was fully prepared for the holiday season.

The family’s holiday plans were tragically disrupted when Von Lester Taylor, 25, and Edward Deli, 21, broke into their cabin.

Both men were on parole and awaited the family’s return to the remote cabin, accessible only by foot or snowmobile during winter.

In a haunting video recorded on the family’s camcorder, the intruders can be seen searching through the presents under the Christmas tree.

One of the burglars calmly opens a package, revealing a photo album filled with baseball cards.

Upon the family’s arrival, the intruders turned violent.

Linae, 20, witnessed the men fatally shoot her mother, Kaye Tiede, and her grandmother, Beth Potts.

Linae and her 16-year-old sister, Tricia, also saw their father, Rolf, get shot before they were kidnapped.

The assailants doused Rolf in petrol, set him on fire, and fled with the sisters as hostages.

Remarkably, Rolf managed to extinguish the flames by removing his burning clothes in a shower cubicle, which ultimately saved his life.

The criminals also set the upper level of the cabin ablaze in an attempt to eliminate evidence.

Gruesome photos from the scene reveal blood that had frozen into red icicles in the cold temperatures.

During their escape, the men forced Linae and Tricia to drive snowmobiles down the mountain, with the kidnappers riding behind them.

Randy Zorn, the girls’ uncle, waved at them as they passed him with the kidnappers, ensuring he wasn’t recognized.

Upon reaching a nearby parking lot, the kidnappers forced the sisters into the family’s car.

Randy noticed the car driving away and then saw a third snowmobile approaching, recognizing his brother, who was severely burned.

He immediately contacted emergency services to pursue the kidnappers and ensure his brother received medical attention.

Following a chase that involved multiple roadblocks, the police eventually apprehended the criminals.

Deli received a life sentence, while Taylor was sentenced to death and remains on death row over 30 years later.