Terrifying simulation reveals ‘one of history’s most brutal torture methods’

Throughout history, numerous rumored torture methods have been recorded, and some rank among the most horrifying.

One particularly spine-chilling method is believed to have been invented by the ancient Greeks.

This method involved an individual being forced into a hollow brass bull.

A fire would then be ignited beneath the bull, essentially cooking the person inside. Truly terrifying.

Another gruesome tale involves the death of Hungarian man György Dózsa centuries ago.

It is reported that Dózsa was made to sit naked on an iron throne (not the one from Game of Thrones), while wearing an iron crown.

What makes this particularly torturous, aside from the public nudity, is the fact that both the throne and crown were heated, creating unimaginable pain.

Dózsa ‘had to then hold a glowing scepter to ridicule his ambition to become king,’ as explained by the YouTube channel Dark History.

Another purported method of torture, humorously dubbed ‘tickle torture,’ is anything but amusing.

A simulation posted online elucidates this method, and it’s not for the faint-hearted.

The video explains that the victim would be restrained with their feet immersed in salt water. A goat would be brought in to lick the person’s feet.

What might sound harmless or even amusing rapidly turns sinister, as the goat’s rough tongue would eventually strip away the person’s skin.

In time, the exposed flesh would become infected, adding to the person’s agony.


Viewers have shared their reactions to this disturbing simulation.

“Humans are endlessly inventive when it comes to hurting and killing one another,” commented one individual.

Another said: “At first I thought ‘oh the goat will tickle the feet, yeah that’s torturous but also kinda funny and harmless.’ Oh how naive I was.”

Another viewer had similar initial thoughts: “Not me thinking the goat would tickle the feet with its tongue, and make him die of laughter.”

It seems unanimous that a death by laughter is preferable to one filled with excruciating pain…