Madonna’s Former Partner Discloses Why She Felt Like ‘A High Class Hooker’ Amid ‘Sexual Ecstasy’ in Their Relationship

Madonna’s former partner, Jenny Shimizu, has shared some insights into their relationship in a recently released docuseries.

The docuseries, titled “In Vogue: The 90s,” features Shimizu discussing her relationship with Madonna, expressing that she felt like a “high class hooker.”

Initially, this might seem like a negative sentiment.

However, Shimizu, now 57, clarified that this feeling was not only positive but was actually an enjoyable aspect of their relationship.

During that period, Shimizu was an openly gay model and was having a great time with Madonna in Europe.

Maintaining their relationship required a lot of traveling, given one was a model and the other a touring superstar.

Shimizu mentioned that when they were in the same area, she might receive a call from Madonna to meet up, implying more than just a casual visit.

Describing her response to Madonna’s calls, she said: “I mean, you’re not gonna say no to Madonna in the ’90s.”

She continued: “Not only was it great feeling like a high class hooker — because really it was. You’d get a phone call like, ‘Hey can you meet me at my Paris show. You’re in Europe right?’

“So I’d be like, ‘Yeah, I’m just finishing Prada. Right after Prada I’ll catch a plane over.’ And I would. I’d go over to her hotel, to the Ritz, at like 4 in the morning, have sex, and then fly back to Milan.”

She humorously added: “My wife is going to kill me.”

In today’s world of digital intimacy, it’s a glimpse into a time when a booty call required hopping on a plane.

However, any romantic notions should be set aside.

Shimizu emphasized in her memoir why she enjoyed feeling like a “high class hooker.”

She wrote: “It wasn’t about an emotional bond, it was about taking each other to the heights of sexual ecstasy.

“I loved the fact that I was at this woman’s beck and call. It turned me on, being ordered to her room whenever she felt like sex.”

Madonna wasn’t the only celebrity Shimizu had a connection with. Angelina Jolie once mentioned that she might have married Shimizu.

In a 1997 interview with Girlfriends magazine, Jolie reportedly said: “I probably would have married Jenny Shimizu if I hadn’t married my husband. I fell in love with her the first second I saw her.”