Gross simulation reveals the dangers of drinking expired milk and its effects on your health

There’s a common saying about milk: if you have to sniff it twice, it’s likely spoiled.

Let’s be honest, many of us have risked using milk we’re not completely sure about. However, after learning about the effects of consuming spoiled dairy, you might think twice.

Zack D. Films is a YouTuber known for creating educational simulations on a variety of fascinating topics.

In one of his videos, he dives into what happens internally when you drink spoiled milk and why it causes illness.

You might want to pause your meal before watching this.

“When you drink expired milk, it will make its way into your stomach and cause some nasty reactions,” the video explains.

“The milk’s acid bacteria produces a sour taste and a bad smell. Once in your gut, these bacteria multiply and your stomach sends signals to your brain that they need to be purged.

“Your body will do anything it can to get rid of the toxins including diarrhea, vomiting, and intense abdominal pain.”

Viewers were repulsed by the video, with one remarking: “Thanks 4 showing this while I was eating.”

Another viewer commented: “I find Zack’s animations traumatizing, but still come back to watch them.”

“This is why we should always check the expiration date,” a third viewer suggested.

Someone else added: “Even looking at expired milk makes my stomach feel nasty!”

According to Medical News Today, spoiled milk typically emits a sour odor that worsens over time.

“A yellowy color, crusts around the edges, and lumps in the milk also indicate that it is off,” they explain.

“Drinking small quantities of spoiled milk can cause no symptoms or some minor symptoms, which will typically go away on their own. For example, it can cause stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting. Spoiled milk is unlikely to cause any long-term problems.”

To keep milk fresh for a longer duration, proper storage practices are essential.

For instance, refrigerating milk as soon as you bring it home, ensuring the lid is tightly closed, keeping it away from hot foods in the fridge, not leaving it out for extended periods, and maintaining an adequately cool refrigerator temperature can all help.