Woman in Tears After Tattoo Mishap Leaves Her with ‘Limp D*cks’ Design

Getting matching tattoos with a friend is a common practice, but for one woman, the outcome was so unexpected that it left her in tears.

When deciding on a tattoo, it’s crucial to be familiar with the artist and have a clear idea of what you want, given that it’s a significant commitment.

However, TikTok user Anicole, known as @lanicole001 on the platform, claimed she did just that but still ended up with an unfortunate result.

She intended to get a butterfly wing inked on the back of her upper arm, while her friend was supposed to have the other half. Instead, the tattoos appeared to resemble ‘limp d***s’ on both of them.

Upon this realization, Anicole was so upset that she started crying and made a video to showcase the unfortunate tattoo to her followers.

In her TikTok video, she wrote: “When you try to get cute matching tattoos and you get two limp d*cks instead! #wheninnash #ohno #coverup #tattoo.”

The clip depicts her holding her head in distress, which is understandable given the situation.

Unsurprisingly, the video gained popularity, amassing over 754,000 likes, with numerous social media users cracking jokes about it.


One commenter remarked: “Who ever did this knew. They knew.”

Another questioned: “Is this a prison tattoo?”

A third added humorously: “The fact one of you went first…and the other stayed true to the plan.”

In a subsequent video, Anicole elaborated on the events and mentioned she had another artist correct the tattoo a few hours later.

In the video, she stated: “We don’t blame the artist or the shop, nothing against them. But on the flipside to that, I don’t really think there is anyway the artist didn’t know what it looked like.

“The first picture of it I saw was in the video and I started sobbing, that was me really crying. I cried for probably an hour after I saw the tattoo on my arm.”

She also addressed rumors that the tattoo was infected, clarifying that her skin was merely irritated from the recent procedure.

Anicole eventually showed off the updated tattoo, modified by another artist, which now resembles a butterfly wing.

She expressed satisfaction with the revision and noted that in the future, she’ll have a humorous story to share about the experience.