Woman Raised in Incestuous Family ‘Cult’ Shares Shocking Escape Before Forced Marriage to Cousin

A woman who fled from a group known as the Kingston Group, which promotes polygamy, has shared the pivotal moment when she realized she needed to leave.

Priscilla Tucker, originally from Utah, grew up within the Kingston Group, where marrying within the family is encouraged.

Now 27, Priscilla has managed to escape the group and is leading a different life. She has been discussing her experiences with the ‘cult’ on social media and through podcasts.

Priscilla recounted that at the age of 17, she was informed of plans for her to marry her cousin.

“My whole entire family wanted me to marry my first cousin,” she shared on the Cults to Consciousness podcast. “But I didn’t want to marry my first cousin. So I told him not to propose to me, and he said he wouldn’t.”

Priscilla continued: “It was such a weird feeling for me because his mom is my mom’s sister and then my dad is his dad’s uncle so I was related on both sides.

“Normally in The Order, when you marry your cousin, you don’t grow up playing with them and doing everything with them but I did because it was our moms that were sisters.

“It was just so weird because his mom would be like, ‘Oh my gosh I’m so happy because I know that you’re going to be so amazing and I already know you’.

“And then our grandma said, ‘Oh my gosh I’m so happy that my two grandkids are getting married’.”

Fortunately, Priscilla did not end up marrying her cousin. She devised a plan to escape the life she had been raised in.

At 17, she managed to flee her family by moving to a safe house, although her family did not take her decision lightly.

Priscilla’s mother orchestrated a ‘kidnapping,’ taking her to a camp where the group’s teachings were imparted to women.

However, Priscilla was able to escape again, this time in dramatic fashion.

“I ended up running away in the middle of the night and I took a bus to Las Vegas,” she recounted.

Today, Priscilla’s life has changed significantly. She resides with her partner and their daughter.

“There’s so many issues and honestly I feel like the main issues are mental,” she commented.

“Like, you can obviously tell from the physical issues, but the mental issues are so much worse.”