An expert in the field of UFOs has provided insights into the likelihood of extraterrestrial beings reaching out to Earth.
While the term UFO, which stands for ‘unidentified flying object,’ can refer to any unexplained object in the sky, the concept of aliens introduces an entirely different subject.
This topic is of particular interest to UFO researcher and author Malcolm Robinson, who has dedicated over four decades to studying it.
In an interview with the Daily Star, Robinson shared some serious warnings regarding aliens and their potential intentions in the universe.
Robinson has a rather grim prediction about the prospect of direct contact with aliens, suggesting they might not have peaceful intentions.
He told the UK publication, “Whilst a large proportion of UFOs can be explained away as having natural explanations, only a few remain, and it is to that small one percent that I and my colleagues worldwide are trying to get to the bottom.”
“What is in no doubt, is that the UFO enigma is real, very real, it has been with us throughout time.”
He highlighted how evidence of UFOs appears in Renaissance art and ancient cave paintings, depicting mysterious shapes and figures.
Regrettably, Robinson also issued a warning about the possible motives of aliens.
He stated, “They have an agenda for sure, we can but speculate.”
“I wouldn’t say they are peaceful, due to the thousands of UFO abductions worldwide.”
What might these extraterrestrial beings look like? Robinson has addressed this question as well.
According to him, popular culture might not be far off in its portrayals.
“Witnesses state that they are seeing what we call ‘Greys’,” he continued.
“Small childlike creatures, about three to four feet in height with bluey-grey translucent skin, large pear-shaped heads with inky black wrap-around eyes. No sign of any genitalia.”
“These small greys are the most commonly reported entities seen in close proximity to UFOs.”
Robinson further explained that although many people remain skeptical about the existence of aliens, he once shared that skepticism.
He revealed that he became involved in the UFO community at the age of 20, initially intending to debunk sightings, but his efforts only confirmed their validity.
“I started out to disprove these subjects as I honestly felt that there was no validity to UFOs,” he recounted. “How wrong was I!”
In conclusion, the possibility of aliens making contact seems plausible, but their intentions might not be as friendly as one would hope. More developments may arise in the future.