A former CIA ‘remote viewer’ has shared his intriguing insights, which he believes indicate the presence of life on Mars.
Joe McMoneagle, known during his tenure as the CIA’s Remote Viewer No. 1, has revealed details about his time working for the agency. This interest began when the government initiated research into psychic activities and paranormal phenomena in the early 1970s.
The CIA, in collaboration with the Stanford Research Institute, now SRI International, explored ‘remote viewing.’ This phenomenon supposedly allows individuals to use their minds to perceive or influence objects, people, or events beyond their physical presence.
Although the program was classified, McMoneagle shared his experiences on the American Alchemy podcast. He recounted being given coordinates to ‘see’ using his mental abilities.
As a former US Army Chief Warrant Officer, McMoneagle described envisioning a massive pyramid-like structure with ‘monster rooms.’
He recalled seeing tall life forms and a fierce storm and theorized that these beings sought refuge in the pyramids.
He recounted: “I started getting an image of human beings that were trapped in a place where the atmosphere was turning bad […] It [was] obvious these people were dying for some reason, but they were humans […] They were twice our size.”
Despite his vivid experiences, McMoneagle confessed during the podcast that he felt frustration when he realized he was remote viewing Mars, having initially believed he was focused on Earth.
Upon reviewing the coordinates given to him, he noticed the card stated: “Mars. One million BC.”
“I hate doing a target where I cannot prove ground truth because then I don’t know if it’s real or I’m inventing it,” he remarked. “I can’t actually sit there and say this is exactly 100 percent correct.”
McMoneagle speculated that a celestial event might have stripped Mars of its atmosphere, leading to the extinction of its residents.
Later, hoping to verify his mental images, McMoneagle requested more recent photographs of the coordinates he had viewed. He asserted the images confirmed his visions, identifying a pyramid-shaped structure at the edge of a vast impact crater.
He argued the pyramid was likely artificial, stating: ‘If it was there [before], it would have been blown away.'”