Cat Tattoos Are Pawsitively The Most Adorable Crime In South Korea

These tattoos are the perfect crime for anyone who’s got a bit of cat-titude.


Getting a cute tattoo is actually illegal in South Korea.


Yep, they’re freaking illegal.


South Korean law considers tattooing to be an invasive medical procedure. Hence, only certified medical practitioners are legally permitted to do tattoos.


Since tattooing involves needles, the only legal way to get them in South Korea is to go to a hospital.


But this hasn’t stopped numerous underground tattoo shops from giving the public a chance to brand themselves as their cat’s human slave.


Many Korean celebrities, athletes, and K-Pop stars are sporting these cute designs.


Because of how its citizens are normalising tattoo culture, the South Korean government is considering a change to legalise underground tattoo parlours.


Let’s hope it works out well for our fellow feline and tattoo lovers in South Korea. Catspeed, friends!