15 Essential Star Wars Facts Every Super Fan Should Know

May the facts be with you.

#1. What do R2-D2 and the Energizer Bunny have in common?

#2. Well played, Sir Alec.

#3. Ugh. Sexist, much?

#4. Something to keep in mind for your next Star Wars marathon.

#5. Talk about subtle.

#6. Pretty damned ballsy.

#7. Smart.

#8. Oh, Ewan <3

#9. May come in handy when “shotgun” sounds too boring.

#10. Would definitely like to see this!

#11. That’s one very profitable bet.

#12. Bet Fox regrets everything now.

#13. Yes, this is true.

#14. Proof that Star Wars is a life-changer.

#15. Bye, Bye, Bye, cameo!