20 Struggles Only People Who Work In Retail Will Understand

People who work in retail are true working class heroes. Because with the hell that shoppers put them through on a daily basis, they still manage to remain as calm as an angel. Most of the time anyway.

#1. When you’re expected to keep a smile on your face, no matter how bad of a day it’s been.

You’re expected to greet when all you wanna do is sleep.

#2. When your friends make plans for the weekend.

“Sigh. No, I can’t leave early.”

#3. When a customer asks if there’s a sale.

When there clearly isn’t.

#4. The chaos of hangers not being faced inwards.

Or just making sure they’re all facing the same way.

#5. When someone asks you to explain the store’s return policy WHICH IS WRITTEN ON THE RECEIPT.

Clearly, time just isn’t as precious to these people.

#6. When you have to fold clothes up to no end.

It’s basically domestication on steroids.

#7. When customers pick up an item and leave it somewhere else.

Yes, because accessories DEFINITELY belong in the undergarment section!

#8. When you’re expected to double as a retail employee and security.

Nuh-uh. No. Noooooope.

#9. When people throw money on the counter even though you’ve stretched your palm out right in front of them.


#10. When people actually try to haggle.

Why?! WHY?!?

#11. When a customer comes out of the changing room and asks you if they look good.

Even when they really don’t.

#12. When you have to tell a customer that their card’s been declined.

Not. Fun.

#13. Or when they ask to pay using half cash/half credit.

Where do they even learn this sh*t?

#14. When someone leaves a shirt they just tried on and they smear their makeup on it.


#15. Christmas. Sales.

The horror! *shudder*

#16. Or Christmas season, basically.

Non-stop christmas songs, and gift wrapping. No, it is not the most wonderful time of the year.

#17. Being on your feet for pretty much your entire shift.

“Haha. I can’t feel my legs.”

#18. When a customer leaves a pile of clothes on the floor of the changing room.

As if they were raised in a barn!

#19. When people come into the store when you’re about to close.


#20. When an item doesn’t register in the system, and the customer jokes that it must be free.

Man, if you had a dollar every time you heard that joke.

#21. When you have to do closing shifts.

Yay to inventory! Yay cashing up! *insert sarcasm sign here*

Here’s to our working class heroes, we don’t know how you do it.