34 Funny Illustrations Proving That The World Has Taken A Turn For The Worse

These days, everything is faster, more convenient, and arguably more efficient. But does this mean things are better? Not necessarily, according to these hilarious illustrations that show the stark contrast between life back ‘in the good old days’, and now.

#1. You’ve got mail.

#2. The wonders of the cellphone.

#3. Evolution.

#4. Viva la revolucion!

#5. Say, what?

#6. The evolution of cool.

#7. Modern relationships.

#8. Google Almighty.

#9. Kids these days.

#10. Keep telling yourself that.

#11. The family that phubs together, stays together.

#12. Damn, those leg selfies.

#13. This says it all.

#14. Life goals.

#15. Fan boys be like…

#16. The secret.

#17. Do birthdays still mean anything?

#18. At least it’s cheaper.

#19. The era where sharing is actually discouraged.

#20. This is just sad.

#21. Reality.

#22. So true.

#23. At least the trees are being saved?

#24. We all know that person.

#25. Ugh.

#26. The Doom.

#27. The future.

#28. Guilty.

#29. Are e-cards even still a thing?

#30. Terrifying.

#31. Role reversal.

#32. Kids be like…

#33. Time-wasters through the years.

#34. Ready to play.