30 Cringe-Worthy Autocorrect Fails

#1. Probably not an HBO production.

#2. If you’ve ever wondered what drunk gummy bears do…

#3. How to Reduce Your Rent 101.

#4. Throwing some serious shade at mom.

#5. TMI.

#6. Mom really wants her acid.

#7. They all sound like terrible places to rip a hole in.

#8. That’s one cake we don’t want a piece of.

#9. This is terrible.

#10. Well, someone’s not holding back.

#11. Everything is awful.

#12. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

#13. The food must be kosher then.

#14. Say, what?

#15. *Facepalm*

#16. Don’t want to mess with these sandwiches.

#17. The healthy kind.

#18. That escalated quickly.

#19. I. Can’t. Even.

#20. It’s much too tiny for a lot of people.

#21. So wrong on so many levels.

#22. Ron is hopeful.

#23. Mom is unfazed.

#24. Not a very good combo, it seems.

#25. Epic.

#26. We’d give up, too.

#27. Damn you, autocucumber!

#28. What’s on the menu?

#29. She’s busy.

#30. Poetry in motion.