Photoshop Wizard Erik Johansson Reveals The Process Behind His Awe-Inspiring Images

Swedish photographer Erik Johansson is known for his mind-bending photos that combine real-life objects with strange, ethereal settings.

Erik has released a series of videos that give an eye-opening, behind-the-scenes look at the intense process behind creating the photos, from the first step of taking the pictures, to the finishing touches applied using Photoshop.


[youtube id=”aRnKqRqxHRM”]

Endless Stories:

[youtube id=”hyg1lJAgikM”]

Cut & Fold:

[youtube id=”TiCLMePjK-Y”]

Drifting Away:

[youtube id=”DHVroXo_K50″]


[youtube id=”8fP3AJl6eLk”]

Closing Out:

[youtube id=”rrxXsKgenos”]

See more of Erik’s amazing art at his website, Facebook, and Instagram pages.