Two Cows Explain The World Economy Better Than Any Professor

“You have two cows” is a form of political satire in which the fate of cows is used to demonstrate how certain political systems function.

It’s a simple, pithy way to explain complex ideas, and now, brought to life with these illustrations. But how accurate are they? You decide.

#1. Communism.

#2. Fascism.

#3. An Indian corporation.

#4. An Italian corporation.

#5. An American corporation.

#6. A British corporation.

#7. A Chinese corporation.

#8. An Iraqi corporation.

#9. Traditional capitalism.

#10. A Swiss corporation.

#11. Bureaucratism.

#12. A Greek corporation.

#13. Venture capitalism.

#14. A French corporation.

#15. An Irish corporation.

#16. Socialism.

#17. An Australian corporation.