Woman’s Body Is Photoshopped In 18 Countries To Compare Global Beauty Standards

A UK-based online doctor service asked graphic designers around the world to photoshop a model’s picture — making her more attractive to citizens from their countries.

“Widely held perceptions of beauty and perfection can have a deep and lasting cultural impact on both women and men,” according to the project website. “The goal of this project is to better understand potentially unrealistic standards of beauty and to see how such pressures vary around the world.”

The results are intriguing. Take a look for yourself:

#1. Netherlands.

#2. Colombia.

#3. China.

#4. Romania.

#5. USA.

#6. UK.

#7. Ukraine.

#8. South Africa.

#9. Spain.

#10. Philippines.

#11. Italy.

#12. Syria.

#13. Venezuela.

#14. Mexico.

#15. Peru.

#16. Egypt.

#17. Argentina.

#18. Serbia.

China and Italy had the thinnest submissions, weighing in at an estimated 7.28 and 7.71 stones, respectively. Spain had the heaviest submission at 10.93 stones, while China had the lightest (7.28 stones), which qualifies as anorexic.