Two Photographers Remake Famous Movie Scenes… In Africa

We all immediately recognise iconic movie scenes starring the likes of Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Mia in Pulp Fiction.

These popular and exclusively Western films have dominated popular culture everywhere, so Dakar-based photographers Omar Victor Diop and Antoine Tempé set out to explore what such scenes would look like if they were shot in Africa, in Dakar and Abidjan.

The result is 14 eye-opening and beautifully recreated movie scenes that we’re sure you’ll enjoy.

#1. The Shining.

#2. Frida.

#3. Chicago.

#4. Psycho.

#5. Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

#6. Basic Instinct.

#7. American Beauty.

#8. Flashdance.

#9. A View To Kill.

#10. Sunset Boulevard.

#10. The Matrix.

#11. Blow Up.

#11. Pulp Fiction.

#12. Thelma and Louise.

#13. A View To Kill.

#14. Le Mépris