17 Things Only Single People At Weddings Can Relate To

There’s nothing more horrendous than attending a wedding when you’re single AF. Hell’s probably a picnic compared to this forced gathering in beautiful attire. If you’ve ever been to a wedding by yourself, you’ll totally get these.

#1. Attending without a plus-one.

Not only are you single, but you’re also date-less.

#2. Getting shunned by the photographer when he says “let’s get one with just the couples.”

This is a form of social apartheid.

#3. Getting assigned to the singles table.

Much like death, this was bound to happen.

#4. Getting asked by strangers when you’re getting married.

“Remind me when I see you at a funeral to ask when you’re going to die.”

#5. Seeing an ex with someone else.

“Bitter? Me? What?! No, I’m SO happy for them… ”

#6. Looking after a couple’s child while they go dance.

Who let these tiny humans in here?!

#7. Or getting asked to dance… by a child.

Just proves that if you stay single long enough, you see everything.

#8. Getting set-up by everyone you know with literally anyone.

At a wedding. #nopressure.


“Y U DO DIS?!”

#10. Questioning yourself and what you have to offer.


#11. Meeting another single person and instantly becoming BFFs.

At least until they end up with another single person of their sexual preference.

#12. Looking around the singles table, and realising you somehow managed to end up even more single.

Still the same single you but with new features such as: being the only single one left at the singles table.

#13. Having multiple existential crises throughout the whole event.

“Will I EVER find love?!?”

 #14. But still appreciating your single life.

“I’m totally fine.”

 #15. Because either way, there’s still going to be cake.

And that’s all that matters, right?

#16. But even though weddings make you a bit bitter, there’s still a part of you that’s holding out for something perfect.

Real love. Isn’t that all anyone ever wants?

#17. So until then, you don’t mind not being a bride.

As long as you get to partaaayy!