Here’s The World’s Most Generous Country, And It’s Not The US Or UK

The World Giving Index — which ranks which countries are the most charitable — is out. And the United States has lost its position as the most generous country in the world.

But all is not lost, as it’s only slid to position number two, after Myanmar, which is officially the most generous nation in the world.

Using data collected by Gallup’s World View Poll from 145 countries, the Charities Aid Foundation’s sixth annual report reveals that while volunteering is up in the US, overall donations dropped from a record high last year — the equivalent of 11 million fewer Americans giving to charity.

“It is great to see that America ranks as the most generous country in the developed world,” Ted Hart, CEO of CAF America, said in a statement. “This report also shows that there can be no room for complacency. America may lead most of the rest of the world but we need to keep on doing more to encourage people to give their money and their time to good causes.”

Does your country rank in the top 10 givers?

#10. Malaysia.

#9. Ireland.

#8. Sri Lanka.

#7. Netherlands.

#6. United Kingdom.

#5. Australia.

#4. Canada.

#3. New Zealand.

#2. USA.

#1. Myanmar.