Here’s How To Make This Realistic Roast Turkey CAKE This Thanksgiving

No, this isn’t a turkey. It’s a turkey CAKE, and if you read on, you’ll learn how to make it — just in time for Thanksgiving.

The very realistic-looking roast turkey cake is the work of Yolanda Gampp, who you may remember brought us the gory Brain Cake this Halloween.

Gampp layers vanilla cakes before trimming them to poultry size.

This is about as far as we’d get before GOBBLING it all up (sorry).

Using the offcuts, she constructs a convincing turkey structure.

It could be an iPhone, or it could be a tiny cake. Who knows?

In Yolanda’s own words, “Nobody wants a naked turkey.”

Tucking a cake into its fondant duvet. Jealous.

She recommends pressing shelf liner onto the icing to achieve that freshly-plucked texture.


Give the cake a good basting with several layers of food coloring.

We missed Poultry Cake Painting class at school.

And a sneaky bit of cocoa powder for the crispy bits will fool even professional cake connoisseurs.

Apparently you can’t taste it.

There’s even stuffing (it’s mashed up pound cake).

Probably delicious by itself.

Whack it on a plate, serve, carve, and enjoy.

Cutting that cake must be soooooo satisfying.

Don’t forget the trimmings.

And a massive knife. You know, for guests.

Watch Yolanda’s step-by-step guide to making the cake below — or head to her website for loads more novelty cake ideas.

[youtube id=”PXzue3aU3WY”]