Keep Your Christmas Party Guests On Their Toes With This Mistletoe Drone

As if everyone wasn’t busy enough avoiding traditional dangling mistletoe during Christmas, now there’s a remote control mistletoe drone to terrify people with.

The drone is described by makers Hammacher Schlemmer (try saying that after some mulled wine) as offering “unrestrained Yuletide mirth.”

The presence of the drone is linked to a sudden rise of invisible cold sores amongst party guests.

The designers also list as a selling point the directional control of the drone, “enabling precise placement of the mistletoe for optimal effect.”

Bar the windows and lock up your daughters.

Luckily, the drone only has 30 minutes of battery life. It’s also $69.95, which few sensible persons would pay for a mistledrone.

Surely it’s so much cheaper just to chuck it across the room?

Although this woman looks absolutely delighted to find the luminous green bird’s nest zooming above her head.

It looks like something you’re more likely to find at Hogwarts than the work Christmas do.

If we haven’t sold the misteltoe drone to you already (we’re trying!) there’s also this promotional video showing smooth operators how it works.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you!