These Dogs Found Deer And Now They’re The Best Of Friends

Dogs have a whole lotta love to give and all puppies love a new pal, no matter what species. These friendly pooches have gone a step further and befriended (and in some cases adopted) deer.

This dog’s new best friend tastes good.

This baby deer just wanted someone to nuzzle.

These guys are partners in crime.

This little Bambi has a new guardian angel.

This baby deer was adopted by humans after his mom was killed. The family dog looked after him.

Even grown up animals treasure their cross-species friendships.

Spindly things + fluffy things. It just makes sense.

Just because you’re enormous and have antlers doesn’t mean you’d miss your BFF’s birthday sleepover.

These guys are always getting up to hijinks.

And these guys are just sniffing each other out.

This is how we imagine all dog/deer friendships begin.

But who cares? These are friendships for life.