13 Signs You’re Too Generous For Your Own Good

You’re the sort of person who believes that we pay for our residence on earth with generosity — and you have lots and lots of it. Maybe even too much.

#1. You always know what gifts to buy people.

Gift giving is your favourite part of Christmas. Finding someone the perfect gift is like a game for you; and once you see the smile on their face when they open your present, you feel like you’ve won.

#2. Your wallet doesn’t take a break… even on your birthday.

Instead of receiving gifts from your family, friends, and co-workers, you end up shelling out on a big lunch for everyone. It also becomes quite the mini-reunion, with people you haven’t seen for a year showing up regardless of whether you invite them or not.

#3. The word “No” is not in your vocabulary.

There’s no doubt about it, you’re a ‘Yes’ (wo)man through and through. “Honey, can you do the laundry again today?” Sure. “Can you cover my shift for a few days, just this once?” Of course you can, you’ve done it three times this month.

#4. You carry plenty of coins with you just in case a homeless person asks for change.

A mere dollar and two cents to you would probably mean a day’s worth of food for them.

#5. Mutts and stray cats around your neighbourhood hang out around your house.

It ruins your budget for the month but still you feed the poor strays because if not you, who? If not now, when?

#6. “People pleaser” is a term which describes you to a T.

You have been known to offer your own bed to a visitor, while relegating yourself to the couch.

#7. During Halloween, little trick-or-treaters refer to you as “the lady with the best candy”.

You know dressing up as an M&M (or whatever costume their mom picked for them that year) is not easy. Which is why you like to reward the tykes with Reese’s, Skittles, and, well, actual M&M’s.

#8. Even your insides are reserved for others: you’re an organ donor.

And you probably donate blood every 6 months, too.

#9. Sunday brunch with the girls also means footing the bill… for the nth time.

You didn’t mind it the first, or the second, or the fifteenth time. But it’s become a sort of tradition, so you stick with it.

#10. You’re not only generous with your money, but your time as well.

You volunteer for soup kitchens, non-profit organizations, and as a babysitter for your sister’s kids. You’re always off doing one thing or the other, partly because you can’t say no, but for the most part, you genuinely enjoy connecting with people.

#11. Once you lend something to someone, you simply wait for them to return it.

If they conveniently “forget” that they even borrowed something in the first place, you don’t mind.

#12. You’re the first person people run to for (financial) help.

Everyone needs a leg up once in a while. It just so happens that you’re that leg for a lot of people.

#13. The people who truly love you know, and yet never take advantage of your generosity.

They remind you again and again that the people who deserve your attention don’t need to be won over with gifts and favours. And if they do, well, then they’re the wrong kind.