These Lap Cushions Protect Your Wrists And Make For A Cute Desk Buddy

If you find yourself with sore wrists after a day typing at the office, or just get a bit lonely with no one to cuddle at your desk, then these character cushion “lap buddies” are for you.

From Japanese designers (unsurprisingly) P-Bandai, the cushions feature lovable anime characters such as Kapibara-san and Komasan.

And as well as keeping you company while you work, they’ll help protect your wrists from soreness and Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).

They’re definitely acceptable to take to work with you, right?

Prices start at $47.80 though, so the joy of cuddling a plushie all day doesn’t come cheap.

But they do make for a jazzy desk accessory.

But you run the risk of getting so comfy and cozy that you fall asleep and dribble all over your new desk buddy.

If that’s a risk you’re willing to take, head to the website to find out more and buy your own lap buddy.